Starting with revenue earned in June, Six Apart will pay publishers directly. We've sent out email reminders, but wanted to remind everyone again.
Setting up Payment Information
1. Print off a W-9 form (or W-8BEN for non-US publishers) from
2. Fill out information Completely. (For non-US Publishers, only complete Sections I and IV)
3. Scan and email your form to [email protected], or fax to 415-344-0829, or mail to Six Apart Media c/o Publisher Services, 548 4th St., San Francisco, CA, 94107
Payment Schedule
Payout is net 45 days from the 30th day of the month in which your earnings met or exceeded $100. For instance, if you cross the $100 earnings threshold on January 31, we will have your check in the mail on March 15th -- net 45 terms.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know!